
Minopep 5% Solution

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₹ 1099 ₹ 934

Brand: LINUX

Category :
Hair Care
Availability :
100 In Stock
Tags :
Hair Care

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Introducing Minopep 5% Solution—an effective remedy for common hereditary hair loss, now available for you. This solution not only halts ongoing hair loss but actively supports hair regrowth.

Key Benefits:

  • Effective in addressing hair loss.
  • Useful in treating pattern baldness.
  • Beneficial for androgenetic alopecia.
  • Promotes hair growth.

How to Use: Apply 1ml twice a day or use 5 sprays on the scalp, ensuring the scalp is dry before application.

Importer: Linux Laboratories Pvt. Ltd

Country Of Origin: India

Manufacturer: T.M.Thakore Pharmaceuticals Laboratories 15-a, Premsons Ond, Estate, Caves Road, Jogeswari East Mum. 400060.

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